Ions and Industrial Applications

The SALCON II Meter allows for the rapid determination of Chloride in Aggregates whilst the QP459 Ion meter can monitor Water Hardness or Sodium to prevent industrial boiler damage. Just two of many industrial measurement products manufactured in the UK by EDT directION Limited

Image showing a meter displaying salt concentration.

Chloride in Aggregates

The SALCON II meter has been specifically designed to measure Chloride in aggregates in accordance to British Standards.

Take a more detailed look at the product data and the procedure involved.

Image showing a glass electrode.

Sodium in Boiler Water

High Sodium levels in Boiler feed Water cause significant corrosion and structural integrity issues. Measuring low level Sodium is therefore critical.

Take a look at our Sodium Electrode and ION meter.


Fluoride in Metal Finishing

Stripping and etching Aluminium products involves the use of high levels of Hydrofluoric Acid. Measuring the concentration and depletion of the acid in the etching bath is critical.

Our combined Fluoride ISE is ideal for this process. email [email protected] for the method.