Agricultural Analysis

Measuring NPK in soft fruit poly tunnels, pH in soil, Potassium in coir, or just checking for Phosphate or Ammonia in water we have the portable and laboratory solution for you.

Simple Laboratory Field Tests for Growers

Sending samples to testing laboratories can expensive with long waiting times. If you need a quick answer why not do it yourself ?

For more Agricultural test methods take a look in our support area.

Calcium in Soil Samples

A simple method where calcium is extracted by mixing with water and tested using a Calcium electrode.

For existing methods visit our Agricultural support area.


The Soil pH Test

An accurate test where air dried soil is mixed in water and the pH measured directly with an E8080 pH electrode.

For existing methods visit our Agricultural support area.

Potassium in Soil

A quick test where Potassium is extracted by mixing soil with water and measured using a Potassium electrode.

For existing methods visit our Agricultural support area.

Free ION Calculator

If you cannot afford an ION meter just use a pH meter with a mV mode to get direct ION measurements in ppm.

For existing methods visit our Agricultural support area.

How to Test Agricultural samples

Some of the methods above show that ISE’s can be used to measure not only aqueous samples but soil and plant extracts. Take a look at the hints and tips below to see how you can make successful measurements in the different sample types for a variety of key parameters such as Nitrogen, Phosphate, Sulphate, calcium and pH.

Direct Measurement

Aqueous samples can be measured directly for a solid indication of Ion concentration. You may require the addition of an ISAB or coarse filtration for accurate work but results will be quick and consistent.

Contact us at [email protected] for practical  advice on the method and equipment required.

For Existing methods visit our Agricultural support area.


Soil Measurement

Most ISEs cannot measure directly in soil. However all of the parameters of interest are water soluble and can be extracted quickly into an aqueous sample which can be measured quite successfully and quickly.

Contact us at [email protected] for practical advise on rapid methods for many parameters.

For existing methods visit our Agricultural support area.


Plants and Foliage

It can be useful to know the level of e.g. Nitrate in plant tissue. Historically this is a complicated lab test. However it is often possible to remove plant extract and measure this small sample directly giving quick relative data.

Contact us at [email protected] for some practical advise on what is possible.

For existing methods visit our Agricultural support area.