Select the right pH Electrode for your sample.

There are many different types of pH electrode. These are designed with specific samples and applications in mind so you should ensure that you are using the correct probe to ensure that your analysis is both accurate and practical. We have produced a quide below to help you along the way.


Which pH Electrode is recommended for my application?
Application E8080 E8080NS E8081 E8082* E8084 E8085 E8086 E8087 E8089 E8100 E8400 S2K222/3
Agar X X X X
Beer X X X X X
Blood Products X X X X X
Bread-Dough X X
Cement X X X X X
Cosmetics X X X X
Dairy  X X X X X X
Education X X X X X X
Fats- Creams   X X X
Field Use X X X X X
Fish Products X X X X
General Aqueous X X X X X X X
Lab Flasks X X X X X X
Low Ionic  X
Meat -Cheese X X X
Micro Samples X X
Non-Glass X
Paint X
Photographic X
Soil X X X X
Surface   X X X
Test Tubes X X
Tris Buffers X
Viscous samples X X X X
E8080  Polymer Combination Electrode
E8080NS Polymer Combination Electrode with fixed protective skirt
E8081  Glass Combination pH Electrode
*E8082  Glass Half cell pH electrode.With Suitable reference electrode.
E8084  Penetration Glass spear combination pH Electrode
E8085  Low Conductivity pH combination electrode
E8086  Long Reach Combination pH electrode
E8087  Flat Surface Combination pH electrode
E8089  Refillable polymer combination pH electrode
E8100  Semi Micro Combination pH electrode
E8400  Polymer pH/Temp  combination Triode
S2K222 ISFET pH/ATC Combination meter
S2K333 ISFET pH/ATC Combination meter