Cathodic Over Protection Risks

Cathodic Over Protection Risks

Cathodic Over Protection Risks What Are The Risks of Cathodic Over Protection? It is very important to protect metal structures in water. The most common are made of Steel, including: Boats, Wind Turbines and Pipes. The most common method is by using Sacrificial...
Cleaning My Fluoride ISE

Cleaning My Fluoride ISE

Cleaning a Fluoride ISE Q My Fluoride ISE has stopped measuring at very low levels (below 0.1ppm). It used to be very sensitive but no longer what can I do? A The sensitive membrane will have been contaminated or coated with something. The easy solution is to clean...
Electrode Storage

Electrode Storage

Electrode Storage Q In my lab I noticed that the conductivity electrodes are stored in pH7 buffer with all the pH electrodes. Can that be right? A Great question! No is the short answer.  Conductivity cells should be rinsed after use with deionised water and then...
Maintenance of my Chloride ISE

Maintenance of my Chloride ISE

Chloride ISE Maintenance  All crystalline ISEs do start to develop an oxidised layer on the crystal after a period of time. If the electrode is immersed for a long time it also gets a little soft on the outer layer.  All you need do is dry the grey crystal surface and...