REDOX (Reduction-Oxidation) Testing

Image showing a portable pH meter.

REDOX Testing allows you to measure the REDOX potential. The REDOX potential is basically a measure of the ability of the sample being tested to reduce or oxidise.  As the processes of reduction and oxidation involve the transfer of electrons it follows that the REDOX potential of any solution is an indication of the availability of free electrons.

The measurement is a very simple one and is similar to the measurement of pH but instead of using a Glass pH electrode a Platinum sensor is used.

The platinum sensor is non specific and will not identify the source of the electrons in terms of specific active ions or materials but will provide an idea of whether the solution is oxidising or reducing and can indicate the degree or power of its REDOX capability.  REDOX is a potential difference measurement in mV and therefore requires a reference electrode used in conjunction with the platinum sensor.

The meter used can be a pH meter with a millivolt mode and the range of extremes is within =/- 1000mv. To give you and idea tap water would normally be around 100mv whilst a swimming pool containing approximately 2ppm Chlorine (highly Oxidising) would be around 600mv (approx).

Oxidising or Reducing power increases 10 times for every 59 mV (approx.)  as governed by the Nernst equation.

EDT directION manufacture many REDOX Testing products  which are readily available for rapid delivery.

Take a look at our Technical Support area for more information about REDOX measurement and interpretation of the results.

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